Saturday, April 14, 2012

26 weeks

I cannot believe in three short months the baby will be here! I feel so disorganized this time and we are not even close to ready!

The baby has been been so active with lots of strong movement-take that anterior placenta! I feel her most frequently at in the evening/early night. Probably cause thats pretty much the only time of day Im sitting still. Also if you touch my stomach she starts kicking or if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom she wakes and starts kicking. She's super sensitive to my movement or even if become startled by something, she will instantly start kicking.

Ella still talks about the baby on a daily basis and frequently wants to look at and touch my stomach. Last night I was laying in bed with her before sleep and she said "what do you think her name will be?" I said Im not sure yet. She said "I like Dora". Then she says "What do you think she'll look like, will she be green or purple?" lol

Ive started thinking a lot about this baby. What she will look like, who she will look like, what her temperament will be like. I am both excited and sad for her arrival. Im sad and scared for Ella to no longer be an only child. Things cross my mind like how will I have enough love in my heart for two children and how will I find the time to let both of my girls know how absolutely special they are to me. I feel like I need ten more years with Ella before Ill be ready for a second child. I feel like we are in such a groove with our lives and our routines and I know that's all about to go to hell. Yet at the end of the day I see how much she LOVES babies and other children and how excited she is to be a big sister. At the end of the day I see just how much I love this amazing little girl and what joy she brings to my life. And at the end of the day as I kiss her goodnight, climb into bed and feel this little baby kick, I realize I already do love her as much as Ella and it has all worked out for the best.

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