Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was one of those really great weekends. Toddlerhood can often be extremely difficult, especially when pregnant. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love this age and feel like we have our routine down, yet at times, it has it's challenges.

Yesterday morning Ella and I decided to try out Jump & Jacks. We absolutely loved it. Its a million times better than Run, Jump, and Play. Its a huge HUGE indoor place set that takes up floor to ceiling in a warehouse. There's tunnels, bridges, slides, balls, you name it they got it. Ella had a blast and I enjoyed it as well but I have to say that climbing through all that becomes quite exhausting at 26 weeks pregnant.

Last night Tom, Ella, and I headed to Iron Chef for sushi and hibachi. Ella behaves for the most part in restaurants but typically becomes impatient and ready to go. Last night, she was a dream. Seriously. She behaved better in the restaurant than she ever has. She sat, she talked with us, she loved watching the hibachi grill, and ate a ton of dinner. It was refreshing, really.

Today after breaksfast we all chipped in to clean the house. Thats right, all of us. Ella helped pick up her toys, Tom vacuumed, while I tackled the rest. Grandma Jo Jo arrived and her and Ella headed to the park where she spent hours digging in the dirt, playing with kids, and completely exhausting herself. The grocery shopping, cleaning, and most the laundry was done by 11am! I walked the dog, sat down with a book for a few, and even went and got my haircut. After Ella woke from nap and had a snack we headed outside for more digging in the dirt and blowing bubbles.

And since bath we've eaten dinner and are watching a movie, dreading that tomorrow is already monday

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