Monday, September 5, 2011

Damn that stone

I got to the hospital Friday as they were prepping my mom for surgery (shes going to kill me that I posted this pic)
As soon as she got in surgery I went for what they advertised as a 10 minute oil change which really took 45 minutes
I picked up some Kewpee on the way back to the hospital. If youre from around Lima, you know how wonderful it is
And then Paul and I waited in the surgery waiting room.
Paul assumed his typical position

And we waited
And we waited and waited.
The surgery took a little over three hours and then we met with the surgeon. The surgeon shared the kidney stone was the entire size of her kidney. Unfortunately during surgery her kidney started to bleed and rather than get all the stone they were able to get about 80 or 90%. He shared she would probably be in a lot of pain from how hard they had to work on the stone and more than likely would need another surgery to remove the rest of the stone. She was in recovery for over two hours for pain and headache. When they brought her up to room she was pretty out of it so I stayed a few more hours and then let her rest.

Unfortunately her recovery has not gone as planned. She is running 100 temps on tylenol and 103 temps four hours after the tylenol. She also is having blood and fluid from the kidney pooling in her abdomen. She is in a lot of pain and has been unable to eat due to nausea. We expected her to only be in the hospital til sat or sun but at this point they are predicting to keep her through Thursday and if she begins to recover to do the surgery again on Thursday. I took Ella to see her on Sunday and Ella was a bit scared of the IV initially but quickly warmed up and even relaxed in the hospital bed for a bit
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as I am hoping she recovers quickly.

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