Friday, September 9, 2011

School's Cool

Hopefully we can finally have a relaxing weekend.
Tuesday morning my mom called with news that the tube had slipped out of her kidney and her kidney was bleeding into her abdomen. She was still having high fevers at this point but the goal Tuesday was to replace the kidney tube. I decided to head up there that morning to be with her. They were unable to replace the tube and decided to just completely remove it and let the kidney heal and they also placed a stint in her kidney. The procedure went well and she quickly began to recover once the tube was removed. She actually went home on Thursday. She was unable to have the surgery again Thursday as she was not feeling as well as they had expected. Once her kidney and body has time to heal she will have to have the rest of the stones removed.

The in home Montessori program Ella in is her school placement that we plan to maintain until preschool. They have always had a curriculum they follow and do daily lessons. The school year started this past Tuesday, Sept 6. This first weeks lesson was "All about myself" including lessons about the body, senses, emotions, and setting school rules. Ella absolutely loves to work and we are excited to see all the things she will learn this year.
She made this at school this week as one of their crafts and I love it. Of course its hanging on our fridge.

Lately at home she chooses to spend a lot of her time coloring and drawing. She also loves reading books, doing her workbook activities, and of course a lot of pretend play with her farm, kitchen, and as always, Kitty.

feeding kitty
wiping kitty's mouth
putting kitty to bed

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