Friday, September 23, 2011

Please Share

This vlog (video blog) was shared with me this week by a co worker.
I am extremely moved and affected by this simple video with such a powerful message. Ive watched it at least 10 times and have been brought to tears each time. I currently work for the autism center at Children's and my role is to support and work with families who received a diagnosis that day or maybe even 5, 10, 20 years ago. I see families react to this diagnosis on a daily basis in their own time and their own way. I believe that is part of why this video affects me the way it does but my emotion is brought to a whole nother level for the simple fact that I too am a parent. And who wouldn't want their child to be the best they can be, no matter what that looks like.
(you'll need sound for this one)

Like Lou's cards say-please affect change. Whether its the simple act of educating yourself and others about Autism, donating, or writing your congressmen. There are so many myths, stereotypes, and incorrect ideas of what autism is. It's a spectrum disorder therefore not all diagnosed are like Rainman or "trapped inside themselves". A great resource for information is
Last, please share this video

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