Saturday, September 10, 2011

Farm Fun

The rain finally stopped and it warmed up a bit. Tom was working on homework and Parky's Farm closes for the season in a few weeks so Ella and I headed to the farm.

Checking out the scarecrow

We checked out the garden for the first time today. They allow you to pick and try the veggies. Of course Ella loved picking and eating the tomatoes and checking out the veggies growing on their vines.

There was this guy

Ringing the bell in the play barn

And of course she had to ride the ponies. Twice. This pony's name was Scout

For the first time I think I am sad to see summer ending. Ella and I have had such a good time going to the pool, park, and the farm. Our pool closed last week and she asked me already ten times this week to go. I think we are going to join the Y so we can still swim. Hopefully playgroup will keep us busy along with I think were going to do gymnastics this winter.

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