Friday, February 24, 2012

19 weeks...

I finally feel like Ive popped and am finally looking pregnant. I look so forward to the stage when instead of looking fat, you finally look pregnant, yet are not yet to that super pregnant, uncomfortable stage. Im not, however, looking forward to the stage where I can no longer sleep on my stomach. Which is just right around the corner. I also am coming to terms that clearly the second trimester will give me no relief from this utter exhaustion. Other than the exhaustion and frequent and suddenly painful ligament, Im feeling great.

She must have moved into a position that I cannot feel her kicking. There has not been much movement the last two weeks. We are looking forward to our 20 week, diagnostic ultrasound next Wednesday. The 20 week ultrasound will do measurements, make sure everything is on track, and look for any abnormalities.

Ella becomes more and more excited about this baby everyday. There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't talk about the baby. She frequently asks if the baby is still in there (in my stomach) and when she will be here. She has become obsessed with the baby's at the sitters, at stores, and on tv. Anytime she sees a baby anywhere she squeals "ohhhh look at that baby, its sooo cute". That is typicallyl followed by "can we have that baby"?

All of us are already very very in love with this little mango in my tummy...

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