Monday, February 13, 2012

Our girl is growing up

So we decided with the baby coming to give Ella a new room. The baby will be taking over her crib and therefore decided the sooner we can make the transition, the better. Sunday Grandma Joyce brought down my twin bed I used as a child. I bought Ella new bedding, dresser, curtains, and pictures from Pottery Barn Kids. I could not believe her excitement. She played in her new room all day on Sunday and talked about it non stop.

I was so proud of her last night which was her first night in her big girl bed. She talked and sang in bed for about an hour but not once did she complain or try to get out of bed. She fell asleep and we did not hear a peep out of her until 7am. She was never much of a mover in her crib so we decided to try the first night without rails and she stayed right in bed without getting out or falling out! She truly is an amazing little girl. I am so pleased to see the wonderful and loving little girl she is growing into, yet at the same time it makes me sad to see how quickly she is growing. Time is flying by so quickly.

Next weekend I still have to hang pictures and a new chandelier.

Winston approves

All tucked in

I also do not remember if I mentioned on here that Ella also night trained back in December and no longer wears diapers at nap or bedtime! We are thrilled to say that since the day we removed diapers at night she has only had one small dribble accident. If she needs to go in the middle of the night she will call out that she has to go pee. Way to go Ella!

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