Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grace was in all her steps. Heaven in her eye. In every gesture. dignity and love. -- John Milton

Before I had a child I believed that several things were more about nurture than nature. One of them being whether or not your child chose to play with stereotypical girl toys or want to dress girly. I felt that if we exposed Ella to gender neutral toys as well as both boy and girl toys, that she would not navigate towards girly things or go through the "princess" phase. That is exactly what we did, expose her to gender neutral toys as well as girl and boy toys with not favoring one over another until Ella was able to start choosing her toys herself. I actually really hoped when I had her that she would never go through the princess phase. Im finding that the older Ella gets the more true the saying is "girls will be girls, boys will be boys". The more she grows the more she navigates towards girly things and really truly is a girl at heart. She chooses toys such as my little pony, la la loopsy, barbies, dolls, dollhouse, strawberry shortcake, the list goes on and on. Im also always so amazed that while these toys are geared towards much older children, she plays with them so appropriately and just as they should be played with.
 On a daily basis you will find her dancing to music......

and yes, at times doing it naked.

Dressing up in dresses, tutus, and ballerina slippers, and asking on a regular basis to have her nails painted.

Also, with the new baby coming I see the little nurturer that she is and will be. When she talks about the baby and all that she will help with, her face just lights up.

Don't get me wrong, my girly girl still loves jumping in muddy puddles, playing with worms, and running and climbing. While I hoped that she would never go through the princes phase, I love seeing her "come into her own", choose her likes and dislikes.  Everyday I see her grow little more into the girl she is and one day the woman she will be.

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