Thursday, March 1, 2012


I've reached the halfway point! I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy is going!
We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday morning. Im always a bit nervous heading into the 20 week ultrasound and what may or may not be discovered. All went really well and everything looks right on track with the baby. I also got answers to why Im not feeling the baby move much. The placenta in this pregnancy is anterior (front) which makes it more difficult to feel the baby's movement in the earlier stages of pregnancy. The midwife shared that with each pregnancy the placenta will attach to a new area. With Ella the placenta was posterior (back). Once the baby grows larger and the placenta begins to move upward with the growth of the stomach, I will feel the baby more and more.

It's amazing how each day I am more and more in love with this little pickle. And like Ive said so many times already, Ella's fascination with this pregnancy and the baby never ceases to amaze me.

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