Monday, March 26, 2012


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So if any of you have experienced restless leg syndrome you know it is awful. Well, I have had it every night for seven days straight. Friday, I didn't even get relief during the day! It usually sets in right around when Im wanting to go to sleep. I toss, I turn, I stretch my legs, I stiffen them, I get up out of bed, nothing helps. I just really hope this is a phase and is not going to last the rest of the pregnancy. Most nights it literally brings me to tears from exhaustion and frustration.

I know why its been happening. Im on my feet at work all day, I come home and play for hours with a toddler and cook dinner. I still tote my toddler around on my hip. I have been on a cleaning and organizing frenzy. Heck, Saturday I even moved furniture.

All I can say is RLS, I hate you. Please go away. Thank you

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