Friday, March 16, 2012

22 weeks

At 22 weeks:

*In between regular clothes and maternity clothes. Finally switched to maternity jeans last week.

*Think I am feeling more movement?

*Face is breaking out like a 13 yr old girl

*Lots of hip and back popping and aching but otherwise feeling great

*Get short of breath quickly

*Trying to eat healthier but still craving crappy cheeseburgers and fries

*Less braxton hicks this week. Probably because Ive really been pushing the water

*Baby is the size of a papaya

*Ella still talks about the baby several times a day and her excitement has not lessened in the slightest.

*I have to admit Im feeling pretty darn excited about this baby as well. While I had major hesitations about adding to our family when I first found out (later blog post), I couldnt be happier. I am loving life right now. Loving my current family and the fact that we will soon be adding to it.

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