Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here comes Peter Cottontail....

Today Ella and I went to our annual neighborhood egg hunt. Every year it tends to be rainy and slightly cold, but that did not stop us from having a good time.

Waiting in line for the Egg Hunt to start

They had each area split into ages. 1-3, 4-6, 6-8, and 8 and up. The areas were rather large with quite a few eggs in each area.

Tons of kids showed up. I know how miserable egg hunts can be with nasty parents and nasty kids fighting over eggs. Luckily, we didn't have any of that and Ella really enjoyed herself.

She even ended up with an entire basket of eggs. There were still eggs on the ground but her basket was overflowing.

All the eggs had candy and stickers in them. The kids also got a coloring and sticker book, bubbles, and a little stuffed bunny.

Ella got to meet the Easter Bunny and gave him a great big hug (which she has talked about doing all week)

Being crazy with her stuffed rabbit from the egg hunt

Ella has been bugging me for the last couple weeks to get this bunny cake at Kroger. I finally gave in today. I remember getting this exact bunny cake when I was a little girl. (This is after nap so disregard the crazy look)

After we ate some cake, of course she wanted to go outside and try out her new bubbles

I love this picture of her running after the bubbles. How magical it is to be a child.

And as always she had to pick some flowers

Might as well enjoy them from the inside (and man my window behind my kitchen needs cleaned)

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