Thursday, March 29, 2012

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. Mark Twain

So behavior work, as one would imagine, can be quite challenging. Especially during pregnancy. It's go go go all day long and mostly on your feet. BUT working with this group of girls definitely helps....

We did Kids in the Kitchen during snack time. The kids made their own chef hats, we made them a mustache, and they prepared their own snack. So of course, us ladies had to pose for a pic in their hats and mustaches. 

I really do love my job and I am so happy to be a part of this program. 

I made Ella a mustache that she had to try out once I got home.

And for an update on the RLS....I am happy to say that I have had happy legs the last few nights. We will see if it lasts or not

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