Monday, February 20, 2012


Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately. I have been super busy with my new job and working long hours. It also is amazing what a difference working five days a week instead of four makes. With us spending the last two weekends working on Ella's new room along with grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc. on the weekends, Im finding it hard to find any time in between. All of that on top of pregnancy makes me pretty exhausted and Im in bed by 9 most nights, including the weekend.

This past weekend Grandma Joyce came down to help finish up Ella's new room. We are still working on wiring the chandelier in the room (ran into some complications last night) but other than that we are done. Once the light is up I will take pictures of the finished product to post. Now Ella's former room/baby's room is a complete disaster. All the stuff we were storing in Ella's current room ended up there so that will be this coming weekend's project.

Here are a few pics from this past weekend (all pics are unedited cause Im too lazy to get off the couch and my work laptop at the moment. No editting system on this computer)

Grandma Joyce brought some yummy cupcakes from whole foods

While we were at Hobby Lobby shopping for room decor, Ella found a wood lizard she wanted to paint

Ella had abandoned this doll several months ago; however, ever since she found out she was going to be a big sister, spends lots of time with this baby

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