Sunday, February 5, 2012



Our second little girl will be arriving around July 20th. Yep, you heard me right, another girl!

Ella is so excited about becoming a big sister. She has talked about it constantly since we told her months ago. She talks about how she is going to be a big sister and how she is going to be a big helper. She often randomly asks strangers if they have a baby in their belly and often tells them I have one in mine. Before I left for Nebraska she asked if I would be taking the baby with me, lol.  She had taken a break from her baby dolls for quite awhile; however, since telling her a baby is on the way, her baby doll play has picked up quite a bit. 
We have been reading big sister books which she loves. 

Several weeks ago she announced to us that the baby's name is Zoe. I have no idea where she came up with or heard this name; however, she is dead set on this will be the baby's name. When we found out on Friday that we were having another girl, Ella refused to allow Tom and I even discuss other names. Each time we said another name, she would become upset, cry, and say "no the baby's name is Zoe". We currently have three possible names and I have to admit that Zoe is now in the running. 

While this baby was a COMPLETE surprise for Tom and I we have become quite excited for her arrival. We know that Ella desperately needs a sibling and know she will be the best big sister!

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