Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here comes Peter Cottontail....

Today Ella and I went to our annual neighborhood egg hunt. Every year it tends to be rainy and slightly cold, but that did not stop us from having a good time.

Waiting in line for the Egg Hunt to start

They had each area split into ages. 1-3, 4-6, 6-8, and 8 and up. The areas were rather large with quite a few eggs in each area.

Tons of kids showed up. I know how miserable egg hunts can be with nasty parents and nasty kids fighting over eggs. Luckily, we didn't have any of that and Ella really enjoyed herself.

She even ended up with an entire basket of eggs. There were still eggs on the ground but her basket was overflowing.

All the eggs had candy and stickers in them. The kids also got a coloring and sticker book, bubbles, and a little stuffed bunny.

Ella got to meet the Easter Bunny and gave him a great big hug (which she has talked about doing all week)

Being crazy with her stuffed rabbit from the egg hunt

Ella has been bugging me for the last couple weeks to get this bunny cake at Kroger. I finally gave in today. I remember getting this exact bunny cake when I was a little girl. (This is after nap so disregard the crazy look)

After we ate some cake, of course she wanted to go outside and try out her new bubbles

I love this picture of her running after the bubbles. How magical it is to be a child.

And as always she had to pick some flowers

Might as well enjoy them from the inside (and man my window behind my kitchen needs cleaned)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. Mark Twain

So behavior work, as one would imagine, can be quite challenging. Especially during pregnancy. It's go go go all day long and mostly on your feet. BUT working with this group of girls definitely helps....

We did Kids in the Kitchen during snack time. The kids made their own chef hats, we made them a mustache, and they prepared their own snack. So of course, us ladies had to pose for a pic in their hats and mustaches. 

I really do love my job and I am so happy to be a part of this program. 

I made Ella a mustache that she had to try out once I got home.

And for an update on the RLS....I am happy to say that I have had happy legs the last few nights. We will see if it lasts or not

Monday, March 26, 2012


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So if any of you have experienced restless leg syndrome you know it is awful. Well, I have had it every night for seven days straight. Friday, I didn't even get relief during the day! It usually sets in right around when Im wanting to go to sleep. I toss, I turn, I stretch my legs, I stiffen them, I get up out of bed, nothing helps. I just really hope this is a phase and is not going to last the rest of the pregnancy. Most nights it literally brings me to tears from exhaustion and frustration.

I know why its been happening. Im on my feet at work all day, I come home and play for hours with a toddler and cook dinner. I still tote my toddler around on my hip. I have been on a cleaning and organizing frenzy. Heck, Saturday I even moved furniture.

All I can say is RLS, I hate you. Please go away. Thank you

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Where'd you go weekend?

I cannot believe another weekend has come and gone. Unfortunately Tom was tied up with school most of the weekend. Ella and I went to Run, Jump, and Play, did grocery shopping, were on an organizing frenzy at home yesterday, did a little shopping, and of course spent time outside. Oh and of course we took a few photos. 

Few photos to start off your week and a sweet story about my baby who is going to be a big sister. Lately after she gives me her one big hug, two kisses combo, she has been blowing a kiss that she then touches her hand to my stomach and says its for the baby. It truly makes me tear up thinking about what an amazing big sister she already is.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Park, Picnic, Play

Ella and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather Sunday morning and head to the Cincinnati Nature Center. We headed out first thing in the morning to hit up the park and have a picnic. The Nature Center not only has hiking trails but also has an awesome creek/waterfall area made especially for kids to play in as well as indoor activities. We could not have picked a more beautiful day to go.
The flowers blooming made the trip even more beautiful. (Warning: tons of pics lay ahead)

First we hit up the water area with a shovel, a bucket, and a few toys

There is also a log cabin on the property with tables, chairs, etc in it that Ella loves to hang out in

She even made a friend

We walked around and checked out the property

In the kids area there are washed skulls. Ella picked this one up and said "this is from a dinosaur, I think its a t rex". Lol such a smart cookie

She started picking flowers and announced they were for me

We spent some time inside doing puzzles, coloring, and reading books.

We finished our time with a picnic

And re hydrating

I absolutely loved spending time in nature with my favorite little girl. I am hoping this pregnancy doesn't slow us down for outing this summer as I really missed our outings over the winter.