Sunday, July 15, 2012

39 weeks

I've finally reached the point where I am ready for this baby to come. While Im still feeling fairly well over all, I can feel myself starting to slow down and become a bit more irritable. I also haven't been sleeping very well. This past Friday I had awful cramps and last night I was suddenly super uncomfortable. I keep thinking this is it but so far Im still pregnant.
At my check up this week I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced so at least Im making progress. We are also getting very anxious to meet this little one. We have narrowed it down to three names, first and middle, and will decide when we see her face.

I am really hoping to not get induced. I know I wouldn't want to go too far over my due date which can cause a bigger baby and therefore more difficult labor and increased chance of c section. Also your risk of having a stillborn baby increases as well as the baby passing meconium in the womb. At the same time I am hoping this baby comes before or slightly after my due date as I am still really preparing for an unmedicated birth. Induction increases the chance of using some type of pain blocker due to natural endorphins not being released due to artificial induction. Also Pitocin causes contractions to peak and become stronger much quicker than naturally occurring 
therefore w increased chance of needing medication. I am also hoping to not need constant fetal monitoring so I can 
get up and move around which if induced you typically need constant monitoring. 

So I have been trying more natural remedies and methods to get things moving. 

Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil since 37 weeks. It is to help ripen the cervix, 
not induce labor. Also, even if you end up having to get induced, it is supposed to assist in a quicker, easier labor.
I started Organic Raspberry LEAF tea last week. I wish I would have started it earlier. Again, the purpose is 
not to induce labor but rather to strengthen the uterus for an easier, shorter labor as well as more productive contractions
once in labor. It has been used for years by Midwives and Native Americans.
I have also tried walking, eggplant, pineapple, mango, spicy food, basil, sex, and Im sure I am forgetting a few others. 
I have my next apt with the OB on Tuesday and am hoping this baby comes on her own at some point this week.
I was really hoping I would not have to go back to work this week but unless something happens tonight, it looks
like that's where Ill be heading at 615 am. Blah

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