Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th everyone! It was so nice to have a day off for the three of us to be together.
This morning we walked to the pool for a few hours. The water felt amazing in all this heat.

We had promised Ella we would keep her up for fireworks for weeks now. That is until we realized most of the firework shows are tonight. We both have work tomorrow so decided against it. We also considered one of the many festivals but decided the pool and AC at home were much more appealing. So after nap we at least went and got Ella some sparklers. I saw online this cool way to use a cup to keep the sparks and fire away from their hand. Below is Tom demonstrating a sparkler to Ella.

While Tom grilled us some tasty burgers for dinner, Ella cooled off with a popsicle.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th and stayed cool!

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