Sunday, July 1, 2012

Newport Aquarium

Saturday Tom, Ella, and I met Leslie (school/sitter) and a couple other families from the sitter at the Newport
Aquarium. Leslie asked us all to go as they are covering sea life at school. Ella was so excited. As we were pulling into the levee parking garage she could hardly contain herself. She said Wow, this is awesome, this is going to be so cool, this is beautiful. And we were only in the garage! Oh to be a kid again. Once inside the aquarium she was go go go non stop just buzzing right through everything.

We fed the Lorikeet Parrots. They feed on nectar. Their tongues are so long they can lick their eyes! They eat nectar and then would fly up and feed the other ones

After the aquarium we went and had lunch on the levee

While Im glad we finally experienced the aquarium here near us, we probably won't go again. Its overpriced and once you've seen it you don't need to see it again.

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