Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Still pregnant

I again cannot get a video from our phone to turn the right way but wanted to share this and you get the point none the less. If you have at all listened to the radio recently you have come across the most annoying song, Call Me Maybe. Ella knows the words to literally about every pop song currently on the radio. Below you can see her singing part of Call Me Maybe....

The other day she was humming the song Tongue Tied by GroupLove note for note. I had not a clue that she knew the word humming so I said wow you are really good at singing words song for song. She replies "Mama I am not singing the words, I am humming the song".

Ella is also so excited about her birthday coming up. It is literally all she talks about lately. This past weekend she just kept holding up two fingers saying "my birthday is in two weeks"

As for a baby update, as of today I am 3cm and 60% effaced. The OB stripped my membranes today and if it is going 
put you into labor it typically will in 24 to 48 hours. She thinks I will go on my own before needing to be induced.
I have an appt scheduled Monday in case I do not. They will do an ultrasound to check fluids, check the placenta, size
of baby etc. She stated she does not like to see people go more than a week over due and therefore if I have not delivered
by Monday they would like me to pick a date late next week/early the following week to be induced. Ugh, please
baby I know you are comfortable in there but please come out on your own very soon!

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