Friday, July 20, 2012

Due date with nothing arriving

Today is my due date. I wish I could tell you I am in labor, but I am not. I assumed this little one would be here by now. I've been carrying her around for 40 weeks now and clearly my uterus is a nice and comfy place to hang out. Well sorry baby but I am issuing you your eviction notice as of today

I really would not feel all that bad if I were getting sleep and not still working. The only thing that makes me feel better is I keep progressing in both dilation, effacement, and other signs my body is showing. At this point I have literallly tried every trick in the book (aside from castor oil) to get this little one out. She has made it very clear that she is staying in there til she is good and ready. Or until the OB's/midwives force me to pick an induction date next week.

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