Friday, November 30, 2012

Elves and Firemen.

Ella was excited to find this morning that Jessie had left her a little picture

She immediately had to get her drawing stuff and make a picture for Jessie

And talk to her about what she wants for Christmas

Grandma Joyce watched Claire this morning while Ella and I headed to a The Loveland Fire Station for a field trip with the half day kids. Ella was a bit shy and timid at the station. She thought they were going to make a fire like at Iron Chef and was not too happy about that. LOL! Of course I wasn't able to get too many smiles from her for pictures

Wearing the strap to her hat in a strange place and looking like she had facial surgery or something

Fei-Fei Connor (first name only) is in Ella's class. As soon as he saw me taking pics he asked to join in and immediately put his arm around Ella. How cute

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