Monday, November 12, 2012


We took it easy this last weekend and stayed at home. The girls and I were all recovering from a sinus infection and Tom spends Saturdays at the library. We did a little baking, playing outside, and Grandma Jo Jo came on Sunday.
Ella is always asking to help me cook. Leslie used to bake with Ella quite frequently so Ella has really been asking to bake since she stopped going to Leslie's. I am not a baker! But I decided to give it a shot this weekend and make some carrot cake cupcakes. Out of the box of course! I of course took way to many pictures of baking, but hey she looks super cute!

I had no clue what mad skills my daughter has with cracking eggs! She cracked all three eggs, all on her own, without getting a single shell in the bowl.

No surprise, her main interest was the icing

I was shocked that something I baked actually turned out moist and tasty!

Of course eating more icing

Ella played outside while Tom raked leaves and enjoyed what will probably be the last warm day of the year

Loved catching them staring at the sky together. Could they be any cuter?

Checking out a plane

And this would've been a lot cuter if Tom would have let me know that she had puke on her mouth and shirt

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