Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick Or Treat

Ella finally got to go trick or treating!!! Last year she was sick and her first Halloween we just stayed home and passed out candy. Since it was so cold and rainy out Tom hit the streets with Ella while I stayed home with Claire. They stayed out for about 40 minutes. She was so excited when she got home.

Before they left of course she had to do some crazy posing


First stop was the neighbor across the street, Jackson, Ella's little friend.

When they got home, Ella passed out candy. She took her job very seriously and was very excited. Each time a kid came to the door she would yell "mom come on there are kids here". At one point after a group of kids left she said "mom when I tell you kids are here you have to run".

Her loot

When the night was over she told my mom that she was "exhausted cause there were kids, kids, kids, and so much she had to take care of." Lol shes quite the character. I am so glad she had a great night!

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