Thursday, November 29, 2012

Traditions Continue.

Jessie made her return this morning! Ella found her in Barbie car in her room. 

If you remember this post from last year,, you'll see the purpose of The Elf on The Shelf. Ella didn't really understand the elf last year but is really excited this year. When she saw Jessie she made several comments and had several questions. Such as "if she can fly, where are her wings?" or "I can't see her magic" or "her puffed up cheeks means she's really happy to be home". She had cried after recess today and before I picked her up from school so on the way home she asks "is crying behaving?" I said no and she bust out sobbing! I also think she may be a bit afraid of Jessie as each time she goes up to look at her she makes me go along!

I also cannot wait to start another tradition you might remember from my posts last year, the countdown to Christmas, book advent calendar. We will begin this again on December 1. We also have lots of fun Christmas/winter events planned for the month of December which start this coming weekend. Oh to see Christmas through the eyes of a child.

And since I completely forgot to take a pic of Claire yesterday for Wednesday Weekly, here it is today

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