Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I spoke for the future of my daughters.

I never talk about politics on here. I rarely if ever make my political views known on Facebook. If any of you reading are Facebook friends with my husband you know that he takes his political views very seriously, expressing them often, and will fight them til the end. You may think that we spend lots of time in our house discussing politics however that could not be further from the truth. I, unlike him, typically keep my views to myself.

Months ago I said I was not going to vote. I did not paticularly side with either candidate, I said my vote didnt matter, and the president did not single handedly have that much power. However, I started  to research my options, some of the current issues, and realized I do have an opinion about this. And if not for myself then at least vote for my daughters. Every effort I put into every single thing I do each day is to assure my daughters have the future they deserve. I realize that casting my vote plays a big part in securing a bright and opportunistic future.

I want my girls to grow up in a country where they have the same rights and benefits as everyone else. I want them to grow up in a country where they can choose to love and marry whomever they choose to love. I want them to grow up in a country where they can make choices about their own body. I want them to grow up in a country that considers the environment and the impact that we as humans have on it. These are just simple, basic rights. It blows my mind that in this day and age we are still talking about and fighting for these basic rights in this free country.

So go out and vote. You do have a voice. No matter who wins tonight, a big portion of the country will not be happy. It is important though, that no matter who wins, that we as a country respect and support the individual who has been chosen to take on the leadership of this country. And also, while you're at it, respect your neighbor for his opinion, even if it differs from yours. That's what makes this country beautiful. Many people on this planet do not have a voice, a choice, or a vote. So go out and take advantage of yours.

Today I voted for the rights of my daughters, for their future.


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