Sunday, December 9, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

This year was our third year attending Breakfast with Santa at The Bistro at Nordstroms. Tom is deep in finals mode so the girls and I took my mom along. The morning started out with a flat tire so we had to transfer the carseats to my mom's car. We still arrived right on time! The Taylor's (Jocelyn, Duaynel, Everett, and Grayson) all attended last year and this year.

We started off with a little face painting. Ella wanted Rudolph again this year but opted for snowflakes instead.

Ok, they are too cute. I love them.

Checking themselves out in the mirror. Remember, we are in Nordstroms, hence the clothing back drops in most the pics

The balloon artist made Ella a "gold, daisy, snowflake, princess"

Ella telling Everett about her nail polish. Ya she's a girl and look at him being a good man and hanging on to every word ;)

Ermahgerd! Could this be any cuter? As soon as she saw Santa he scooped her up and she gave him the biggest hug ever.

 And as always, The Bistro served a super yummy breakfast

Claire was rudely awakened from her nap by her mom placing her in this guys arms

This year they had crafts at the table for the kids

The Taylor's :)

And like every other Breakfast with Santa (and everytime I buy Ella shoes for that matter) we stopped down at the Nordstrom Kids Shoe Department to get some new kicks. And of course she had to leave with a balloon

And as a sidenote, related to this weekend. As a child you get to rely on your mom to make the ultimate decision, the tough decisions, fixing things that are broke, making you feel better when you're sick. But when you become an adult, especially a mother, then it's you who has to stand up and mend things when they are broke, make the ultimate decision, and carry on. But every once in a great while you get to wave your get out of adult jail card and have your mom come running and fix things. My mom will know when I say, you did that for me this weekend. Thanks

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