Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve.

This morning we are headed to Botkins to celebrate Christmas Eve with Grandma Joyce and PawPaw. Later in the evening we will head to the big Paul family Christmas with my mom's entire family. We are driving back home tonight so the girls are able to wake up at home on Christmas morning and open their gifts. It will actually be the first Christmas in my entire life that I won't be spending with my mom. Very bittersweet. Sad yet excited to start traditions with my own girls. As excited as Ella has been for the last couple months, Christmas is going to be freaking awesome this year.

Enjoy some pics of the girls below. As you can see, Claire absolutely adores her big sister. I could hardly get her to stop looking at Ella and look at me. She loves looking at her, laughing at her, and touching her. And Ella is the best big sister a parent could hope for.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas! 


Ya she cray


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