Sunday, December 2, 2012

Operation Christmas Decor has been in full swing all week.
Last Sunday while my mom was in town we found Ella the cutest pre lit, pink Christmas tree at Big Lots for her room. She put on all the decorations by herself. She did awesome and it turned out great.

On Monday I started with the rest of the house. Ella and I had an audience putting up the tree. These two...

Ella was a huge help with the tree this year. Last year and the year before she was pretty damn excited about the tree and decorations but nothing could have prepared me for the amount of pure joy and excitement that she brought this year. Each ornament brought a squeal of delight. She put on 1/2 to 3/4 of the ornaments this year. She did an amazing job of getting them on the branches and spacing them out. All on her own, I might add. Another example of how amazing her memory is, like blow your mind amazing. I had put on a few ornaments by myself on Tuesday while she was at school. She gets home and starts scanning the tree. Without her even knowing that I put any ornaments on and without me saying anything, she starts talking about a few random ornaments and how pretty they are and how she has never seen them before. They so happened to be the few ornaments I put on that morning without her knowing. Now how out of a tree of probably a hundred or more ornaments, she found those, is beyond me. Ya, blow your mind memory that child has.
Claire helped by laying around and looking cute and/or taking long naps so Ella and I could knock out some work.

The rest of the week we finished up decorating both inside and out. I have two more trees outside that need lights that I planned to finish today but the rain prevented me from doing so.

I love seeing the joy of Christmas through a child's eye. It is better than any gift I could receive.

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