Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Claire Bits.

Oh my, don't you just want to pinch those cheeks?

And these cheeks?

I am happy to report that Claire is doing so much better in the car.
I put the mirror up which seems to help but I think the biggest difference is that she is now able to pick up her toys to chew and play with them. Makes riding in the car so much more pleasant. And quiet


The last week we worked really hard at not picking Claire up when she wakes up the one trillion times at night. We would go in and pat her and put the pacifier back in and she goes back to sleep right away most of the time. She was and is still waking up every hour or more. Her waking does not seem to be motivated by wanting to hang out. Something is clearly waking her up. She also developed a hoarse cry last Thursday with no other symptoms and its persisted every day since. These are not the only symptoms. There are other things that have been going on since she was born or slightly after that I attributed to other things but put all of them together and they scream REFLUX! So I decided before we cry it out in a couple weeks to make sure that something else is not going on with her. We went to the ped tonight and with the history I described feels it may be reflux. She prescribed Zantac, which I will begin tomorrow. We should know within a week if this is the culprit or not.
Dear Bear Bear,
Tonight while I was putting you to sleep, your head in the nook of my arm, your arm and hand against my chest, your blankie clutched in your hand. You began to touch and rub your hand against the silky part of your blankie. As you were doing this you were watching your hand touch the silkiness. You then would hold your hand up and watch your fingers in the air, then go back to rubbing your blankie and watching your hand. You fell asleep doing this. It was the simplest, yet sweetest little thing. It's these quiet, simple, sweet moments that make it all worth it. It's these moments that make me love being a mother. It's these moments that make me love you.

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