Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Teacher Gifts

Ella and I have been working really hard on gifts for her teachers (there are three in her classroom) since last week. I decided to do a pot with a painted face that when the plant grows it looks like hair. I really hope they like it because it has honestly been more work than I anticipated. A lot of that work involved multiple trips to different stores for things I forgot. Thursday is her last day of school before winter break.
First we had to paint the pots. I painted the faces but Ella did her own little design on the back of the pots. She takes painting very seriously.

Claire has done a lot of hanging out and watching us. She loves to watch her sister so it's been no skin off her back

This weekend we planted the seeds. I wanted grass but the lady at Lowes recommended peas and stated they would grow faster. At this point I am not believing her advice.

Ella stated she was going to wait and watch the peas grow. Thank God that she gave up quickly as I still don't see a sprout on the damn plants.

Today, sans sprouts, I finished up the last details to the pots. I made little sticks for the pots that say You Help Me Grow on one side and a picture of Ella on the other with a little ribbon that says Thank You. I am thinking tomorrow I may go buy wheat grass from Whole Foods so there is some hair for the pots.

Out of nowhere, Ella asked to go hang out with Leslie. She is going over there on Friday so we also made a pot for Ella to give to Leslie.

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