Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let the Christmas celebrations begin.

Today Grandma Jo Jo and Steve came over to celebrate Christmas. They brought the girls gifts and had lunch.
Ella received renewal to gymnastics as well as a dreamlight. She has asked for one each time she has seen it on tv. When she opened the box she screamed "A dreamlight, I have wanted one my whole life". I died right there from a melted heart.

Claire opened her first gift, or rather Ella opened it for her. Claire received a tranquil turtle that lights up and plays music.

Her big girl chair, to match Ella's, also arrived earlier this week. This was also a present from Grandma Jo Jo.

Ha chocolate cake face

Grandma JoJo and Ella made a Gingerbread House

Sneaking some of the candy

Mouth full of icing smile. Do you see a theme here? Yes my child likes sweets

And tonight Ella and I baked Santa's cookies so they are all ready for tomorrow night.

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