Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 year check up

(waiting on the doctor. excuse the side smile. this is her saying cheese which I was not the one that taught her that)

Ella had her two year visit yesterday. As always, the car ride there consisted of her telling me the doctor was going to listen to her chest, check her mouth, ears, and eyes.
Her stats were:
wt 24lbs 11oz (25th%)
ht 34" (50th%)

That's 3 inches of growth since her 18month visit! And a little less than a pound in weight. We were glad for the growth as at the last visit the doc was a bit concerned that she hadnt grown since before 12 months.
As always the doctor feels she is advanced in all areas and especially with language development.

So far we have been very lucky with literally no tantrums. We may get to that point and we may not. Only time will tell.
She does have her moments of stubborness and currently when upset uses the phrase "I cant do it!" or her new one (and our favorite) is "I cant like that!".
For example yesterday she was upset with the pinprick in the toe to test iron levels and as the nurse went to put on a bandaid Ella yelled out "I cant like that!"
Or tonight she was trying to cut her wooden carrot play food and was having a difficult time. She starts yelling "I cant do it". It was hilarious once she was able to cut it and with each cut, she whispered to herself "I feel better, I feel better".
We definitely get some laughs out of this little girl!

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