Thursday, August 25, 2011

These are a few of Ella's favorite things

Fennel seed, which has a flavor like liquorice, is used as an after dinner mint in India. The Indian restaurant we go to very frequently has these little candy coated fennel seeds. Ella absolutely LOVES them and has to have them each time we are leaving this restaurant. I was shocked to hear her say several weeks ago as we were walking out "this is my favorite candy".

The cool thing about her saying this is my favorite _______ is that she uses it absolutely correctly and she doesn't overuse/overgeneralize it. She has only said it about three things (candy and the two listed below) and I know that these really are her favorite things

Two weeks ago, I put these pajamas on Ella and she yelled "these are my favorite jamas!" And every time Ive put her on since, she tells me theyre her favorite and she has to touch them and check them out.

We have this song on a little people cd so this version is a bit different than the one we listen to in the car. I know this is her favorite song as everytime she gets in my car she yells "I wanna hear sick, sick, sick!"

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