Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If it's not one thing it's another

Ella woke up Monday morning telling us her toe hurt and she needed a band aid. She said it several times that day but I couldnt see anything. Monday night after bath I noticed the side of her pinky toe and foot was a little swollen, red, and hot to the touch. I figured it was just a reaction to bug bite. Her foot stayed that way most of yesterday until I received this pic from the sitter yesterday afternoon...

Im not sure how well you can see her foot in the pic but I was shocked when I received the pic. The redness and the swelling worried me much more than the blister. I immediately showed one of the nurse practitioners I work with who felt it looked like cellulitis and recommended she be seen by her pediatrician that night. I was able to get her in at 9pm last night (she ended up awake two hours past bedtime) who confirmed yes it was cellulitis. Fortunately the blister drained itself (and refilled and drained two more times) before we went to the dr. Ella was started on Keflex and all should be fine

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