Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thoughts and Things on Thursday

Tom is about to finish up his first week of law school. This week is a bit different than the rest. This week he is taking an all day legal writing course all five days then in the evening goes to school mon, tues, thurs til 11. Next week he will only have his three day a week, evening course. So far everything is going great but I hate to admit we already miss each other!
Ella and I have been trying to keep busy with trips to park, library, pool, etc. Tonight I asked her if she would like to go to the park. Her response: "No I want to go shopping". Oh boy, just wait til shes a teenager. Next week we are meeting up with a large playgroup that has something arranged everyday of the week. We are going to test it out to see if we would like to join. It will keep us busy this winter.
I saw a deer get hit on the way home from work today. It was one of the most disturbing things Ive witnessed. Cant seem to shake it from my mind.

Winston has endless energy. He is always eager to get out but when you take him on a run this is what you get...
you find yourself dragging a dog rather than running at your own pace

Winston was excited to find one of the houses on the lake have a water bowl out by the road for dogs (its safe, these are the people that care for all the property around the lake). The owner even has a water line running into the bowl so the water stays fresh

When Toms not home Winston barks at every.single.thing.

Waiting patiently for me to paint her nails

Painted toes
Waiting for toes to dry
Painted nails
Blowing her nails dry
My child is goofy but its one of the million things I love about her
We recently discovered that sandals all summer and her feet are not a good pair. For the first time ever she has super stinky feet at the end of the day
After dinner tonight Ella stuffed her face with veggie chips for literally a couple hours. Growth spurt?

The neighbor was nice enough to bring over a bunch of peppers and tomatoes from his mom's farm tonight because he knows Ella loves tomatoes

Ella took a trip to Mad Potter with school today to make pottery. The pig she made wont be ready til next week. Ill post pics when I get them
Random I know but that's what our day looked like!

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