Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday Funday

Grandma JoJo came yesterday morning. We started with a fall clothes shopping trip to Target. Grandma JoJo bought Ella some fall clothes, books, underwear, socks, and couple toys. Thanks so much Grandma!! After that Grandma JoJo and Ella headed to the pool for swimming a picnic. Tom worked on homework while I got some cleaning done

Ella LOVES the Barbie with the dogs that grandma got her. She has played with them non stop. Ive always been amazed with her pretend skills. Barbie talks to the puppies, feeds them, comforts them, etc.

The park by our house has a concert every Sunday evening. Since the weather was beautiful and daddy was working on homework, Ella and I decided to head over there. She loved it. She tried to sing along to every classic rock song like she knew it, tapped her feet, danced, and clapped her hands.
Dancing to the music
Clapping to the music

Playing at the park and checking out the ducks

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