Thursday, August 4, 2011

such is life

I've realized with some people you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I get tired of putting forth effort only to get burned in the end. All I can do is be the best mother and wife I can be and give what is left to friends and extended family. At the end of the day if that's not good enough for some people then maybe they need to re evaluate their reactions or if need be, re evaluate their involvement with us. At the end of the day I have to be happy with how I've treated my family and on majority of days I am. Life's too short to focus on the petty, insignificant things. Ella has taught me to see the beauty in this world, appreciate the little things. I won't let your drama drag me, my daughter, or my husband down nor will I allow you to sidetrack us from what's important which is happiness,love, and family

I hate to be a drag but this has been weighing on my mind lately. I like to get things off my chest and move on

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