Monday, August 15, 2011


Ella has been doing "work" for quite awhile now. At school/montessori programming to do academic or learning activities is considered doing work. Ella frequently says "I want to work". I got her several workbooks and flashcards for her bday. Below is her working on one of her workbooks. They have matching activities, counting, coloring, placing stickers on items, etc. She absolutely loves them and I actually have to limit how many she does or else she would sit and finish the whole book!

She put the stickers of the face and hat of the snowman as well as the ornaments of the tree all by herself with no direction from me

Getting better and better about coloring in the lines

She put the stickers on to form this face all by herself

On another note, Ella and I joined a playgroup today. We went and tested out the group today at Parky's Farm and Parky's playground (I actually left my camera at home, gasp!). The group has 35 members. Its a mix of stay at home and part time working moms and kiddos. There is an activity assigned for everyday during the week. They also have cookouts and get togethers in the evening/weekends that include the dads as well as two mom nights out per month. You can attend as many or as little activities as you like. The six moms and kiddos we met today were very welcoming and Ella and I look forward to being part of this group!

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