Monday, August 8, 2011

Hidden Valley Fruit Farm

First I want to wish Tom luck on his first day of his law school career! We're so proud of him

Ella and I decided to head to Hidden Valley Fruit Farm today in Lebanon. The two older kids from school, Ariela and Jonas have been gone on vacation the last two weeks. Ella has been asking about them and really missing them so we asked the sitter, Ariela, and Jonas to tag along. Ella was sooo excited to see them. The farm has a store with fresh veggies and fruits, desserts, icecream, etc. There is also a huge barnyard with goats, bunnies, alpacas, chickens, etc with a playset. The kids are able to interact with the animals. I have to say I was a bit disappointed in the place. Most the animals either had no water or water so dirty it looked like mud. Most didnt have food either and clearly appeared hungry. Leslie actually watered all the animals and fed a few. Ella had an awesome time running and playing with her friends so that makes me happy.

Feeding the goats

Enjoying some icecream inside the farm store
Ariela's purchases

Ella had to eat both an apple and a plum before we left.

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