Sunday, August 7, 2011


Yesterday Tom, Ella, and I headed to Glenwood Gardens for the Big Bugs display. David Rodgers is an artist that creates anatomically correct, enormous bugs from carved wood and other natural items. It is a traveling display and will only be in Cincinnati a few more weeks. The property is absolutely gorgeous and also has a kids section with a Garden House where they grow vegetables on the property and also give classes for gardening and nature to children.

There is a huge climbing treehouse in the kids area. Yesterday i finally decided I would allow Ella to climb and explore fully on her own. Not even two minutes inside the tree house alone I hear her sobbing and screaming. I find that a little boy had stepped on her fingers several times. His brother informed me "he did it on purpose cause he thought it was funny". This is the reason I am a helicopter parent. Not because I dont trust my daughter to make good decisions. Not because I want to control how or what she plays with. Its for the fact that I dont trust other people's children and I dont trust parents to monitor their children. I see this happen at parks all the time. Mothers sitting back chatting or reading, paying no mind to their children, while their children are plain mean for the sake of being mean.

Next to the treehouse was a huge outdoor train display with tunnels and bridges
Bats hanging in treehouse
Trying to feed the frog her sucker
Listening to class about praying mantis
One of the park workers showed us several of these stink bush swallowtail catepillars rolled up in the leaves of the stink bush. What appear to be the eyes are only eye spots to ward off predators. The head and eyes are actually hidden at the front/under the body.
Cooling off in the water mist tunnel

She told daddy she wanted to be carried like a baby
The couple hours at the park exhausted Ella and she crashed on the last fifteen minutes home
and therefore refused to take a nap later in the day. Thats only happened one other time!

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