Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things recently enjoyed....

First I'll start with a three day weekend! Since I have gone back to work full time I have really really missed my three day weekends.

There was also a lot of grandma time this weekend which I know Ella really enjoyed (so did I)

Enjoying some Orange Leaf with Grandma

There was also lots and lots of pool time, outside time, and time in the sprinkler (with a lot of grilling out)
Ella could not have been more excited about her new goggles and kick board. She has taken to the water again this year like a little fish and acts like there never was a winter break. She has even been trying to swim with her eyes and mouth under the water.

She does pretty well with taking them off her eyes and putting them on her forehead

But she doesn't always get them up high enough.Ha

I love Ella's ability to focus and concentrate on an activity.

I've recently enjoyed a few new purchases.

Tom got me new 50mm 1.8f lens for my camera! It's taking some getting used to with the manual focus.

My new Ergo baby carrier came in the mail this weekend! I cant wait to use it. It actually goes up to 45 pounds so technically Ella has quite awhile in it if we would like. A girl from high school sent me her old newborn insert for it so Ill be able to use it as soon as the baby comes.

I decided to spruce up the bathroom the girls will share. I went with a much more girly theme. I love the shower curtain, towels, bath mat, etc that I found. Ella has told me how beautiful she thinks it is several times now

Sunday, May 27, 2012

32 weeks

I cannot believe this baby will be here in eight weeks or less. Each week I accomplish a little more towards her arrival. I've been ordering cloth newborn diapers, my Ergo baby carrier came in the mail this weekend (yay!), and I'm slowly organizing the nursery.

I had my 32 week check up with the mid wife this past week. I've gained 14 pounds so far. After feeling my stomach she really feels that the baby is head down! YAY! That's exactly what I was hoping to hear during the visit. At the visit I was actually 31 and 3 days and measuring at 33 weeks. Towards the end with Ella I always measured slightly bigger. I'm convinced it's cause I'm so short. The mid wife has scheduled an ultrasound for in two weeks. She said it she doesn't necessarily feel the baby is big but just doing the ultrasound to see. Still lots of movement from the baby, the movement is just different and bigger. You can definitely tell she's starting to run out of room in there and most movement you can see from the outside at this point.

I'm still feeling really good and staying really active with Ella but also starting to feel pregnancy take its toll on my body. Definitely harder to get up after sitting for awhile and feel the pain in my groin, pelvis, and back. Sleep is getting more and more uncomfortable. RLS has reared its ugly head again as well as I'm up peeing multiple times a night, wake frequently, and find it harder to fall back asleep. I also blame the waking and not falling back asleep on the preschool decision we have lingering in regards to Ella (more on that this week) and the stress of my job. I've had a few episodes of swelling in my legs and feet this week. Luckily its NOTHING like my last pregnancy and actually goes down after elevating, unlike with Ella.

Ella is still telling everyone she sees that she is going to be a big sister. Also frequently tells me she needs to eat and grow so she can be a big sister or relates pretty much anything she can to becoming a big sister.

We decided to try something fun with Ella tonight. She used paint to make handprints on my stomach. Of course I told her a few days ago that maybe we would do that and she has been bugging me about it ever since.

Of course we used pink paint!

Turned out pretty cute!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Enjoying the outdoors

This morning Tom, Ella, and I headed to Cincinnati Nature Center to play in the water and kids area, hike, check out things in nature, and have a picnic. This post is just going to be a lot of pictures, Shocking

This weekend I literally did no housework (so unlike me). I got a big big dose of family time, and it's just what I needed. Unfortunately tomorrow starts the work week and Tom heads back to school for six weeks of summer class.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Water Day!

Tom was working on washing the outside of the house today. With the HOT, beautiful weather, Ella and I decided to have a water day. We got everything together and headed outside by 10am.

Since her way too tiny pool had holes in it, we picked up a new pool this morning. We filled up the pool, put a ton of water toys in it, turned on Pandora radio, and she was ready to go

We even got out the water table

We spent until 115 outside and even ate some lunch at her picnic table

We headed in for her nap. Then made a trip to Whole Foods and came home and grilled. Of course she had to get back in the pool while Tom and I were outside grilling. Then after dinner inside she was back at in the pool til bath time. By the end of the day she said forget the suit and ended up in the pool naked.

She's such a little fish! Tomorrow morning Tom, Ella, and I are heading to Cincinnati Nature Center for more water play!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Things Recently Enjoyed

Of course two of my favorite things, Ella and Starbucks! 

Ella is hands down the best Starbucks date! She loves to go and sit and hang out and drink some milk. On this particular night I think we were there for over forty minutes hanging out. She did a lot of dancing to the music and even had some of the other customers commenting on her awesome dancing skills. Also the new Mocha Cookie Crumble Frapp is AMAZING! Yes, I have a serious Starbucks problem. And by the looks of things, so will my daughter.

I love Ella's curiousity. Whether its reading book after book, asking a million questions about why and how things work, or her interest in the weather and checking the radar.

Ok so what can I say? I enjoy her big and crazy hair, her beautiful face, pretty much everything about her every.single.moment of every.single.day

Ella and I both have enjoyed Tom being home the last two weeks.
Whether its just to hang out or help with bedtime routine
Im really going to miss him when he goes back to school on Monday

Sorry this video is sideways but what's not to enjoy about taking a ride in a laundry basket while the dog barks at and bites the basket?

I am loving Ella's new interest in taking pictures! We are going to buy her a kids digital camera for her birthday and I hope this new found interest never gets old for her. The three following pictures Ella took all by herself, with my phone, without me knowing one morning while I got ready.
Lol I love that she posed her animals

Ella and I are both enjoying this beautiful, bug free weather.
Her strawberry plant survived the winter and has tons of strawberries already on it!

And of course she's been a huge help with planting and watering flowers

And as always, the thing Ella has enjoyed the most is digging in the dirt!

On side note: We toured The Montessori Academy of Cincinnati yesterday and were both impressed. We actually submitted application for fall enrollment today. We should find out by next week if Ella is accepted. Ill update more once we find out!