Sunday, May 27, 2012

32 weeks

I cannot believe this baby will be here in eight weeks or less. Each week I accomplish a little more towards her arrival. I've been ordering cloth newborn diapers, my Ergo baby carrier came in the mail this weekend (yay!), and I'm slowly organizing the nursery.

I had my 32 week check up with the mid wife this past week. I've gained 14 pounds so far. After feeling my stomach she really feels that the baby is head down! YAY! That's exactly what I was hoping to hear during the visit. At the visit I was actually 31 and 3 days and measuring at 33 weeks. Towards the end with Ella I always measured slightly bigger. I'm convinced it's cause I'm so short. The mid wife has scheduled an ultrasound for in two weeks. She said it she doesn't necessarily feel the baby is big but just doing the ultrasound to see. Still lots of movement from the baby, the movement is just different and bigger. You can definitely tell she's starting to run out of room in there and most movement you can see from the outside at this point.

I'm still feeling really good and staying really active with Ella but also starting to feel pregnancy take its toll on my body. Definitely harder to get up after sitting for awhile and feel the pain in my groin, pelvis, and back. Sleep is getting more and more uncomfortable. RLS has reared its ugly head again as well as I'm up peeing multiple times a night, wake frequently, and find it harder to fall back asleep. I also blame the waking and not falling back asleep on the preschool decision we have lingering in regards to Ella (more on that this week) and the stress of my job. I've had a few episodes of swelling in my legs and feet this week. Luckily its NOTHING like my last pregnancy and actually goes down after elevating, unlike with Ella.

Ella is still telling everyone she sees that she is going to be a big sister. Also frequently tells me she needs to eat and grow so she can be a big sister or relates pretty much anything she can to becoming a big sister.

We decided to try something fun with Ella tonight. She used paint to make handprints on my stomach. Of course I told her a few days ago that maybe we would do that and she has been bugging me about it ever since.

Of course we used pink paint!

Turned out pretty cute!

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