Saturday, May 12, 2012

30 weeks

I am in the final stretch. It's amazing that in ten weeks or less we will be meeting our little girl.
We had our 4d ultrasound last weekend and she is frank breech. Frank breech is with head up, butt down, and legs straight up at forehead. The more I've been thinking about it, the more terrified I've become. When I was pregnant with Ella I never even worried about was the baby head down, has she dropped, and so on.  But ever since Ella's vaginal birth, my opinions on birth have changed drastically. It may sound crazy but I absolutely loved childbirth, everything about it. Since Ella's birth, I've wanted nothing more for my second birth than to have a second vaginal delivery, but this time all natural, no drugs at all. For awhile I had even considered a home birth or a birthing center. I feel helpless right now in regards to the baby being breech. I know there is plenty of time for her to turn, but what if she doesn't? I know I would survive a c section but its not the same. Even documentaries I have watched about c sections discuss how a mother's body does not release the same amount of oxytocin. Hell, it even went on to say that mammals such as monkeys that had a c section refused to identify the baby as their own and had no motherly insticts. Ok so I know that won't happen but its just not what I want at all and not how I see the birth of my daughter going. I want nothing more than to bring her into the world naturally with the best support partner ever. I want to be able to hold her immediately with skin to skin contact and nurse her immediately. I want to be able to pick up both my children the day after I give birth.  So at this point I'm hoping she turns. I've been doing breech positioning exercises and I'm hoping for good news at my 32 week visit with the midwife.


As far as how I'm feeling, I really couldn't ask to feel better during pregnancy. I have been so grateful that this pregnancy has not slowed me down. I worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with Ella and all our outings, but that's not been the case. While I may be completely exhausted by 8 when I lay her down to sleep, I survive the day pretty well. Today for example we went to the farm, bought flowers, planted flowers, played outside, etc. It's 930 and I'm still awake! May sound pathetic but that's late for me :)

I actually have more energy overall now then I did in the second trimester. I do have some groin/pelvic pain after I've been sitting for a long time. So far no major swelling like last pregnancy although I am seeing signs here and there of it.Tons and tons of movement from the little one. The movement has also changed from a quick kick here and there to the long, sliding movements of the body parts going across your insides. At times you can really see it from the outside.

We are slowly getting the baby's room organized and buying the few last minute items that we need.

It seems like yesterday we weren't even planning for a pregnancy and yet in no time at all we will be welcoming our little girl into this world

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