Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Not very well

I woke up today to a sick baby with a 101.8 tempature.

Tom took off work today to study for his last final which was this evening. So I had to call in to work to let them know I would not make it in.

Last week I found out my levels were elevated following the glucose screen and therefore had to go in for the three hour glucose screen today to see if I have gestational diabetes. They have a range that if you are within it you have to go in for the three hour but it does not mean you have diabetes. Last pregnancy I also had to go in for the three hour and all turned out fine. Im hoping this time is the same. So I headed in for the three hour test to first drink the nasty drink....

Then sit and sit and sit with my pregnant belly, book, and computer

And got stuck four times total for the blood draw. One when I got there then one every hour for three hours. Yuck!

I then came home to my miserable sick baby.

There was a lot of sleeping and laying around. She told me multiple times today that she "felt pretty hot" or that she "wasnt feeling very well". Poor girl

And you know shes sick when she watches TV which rarely occurs anymore.

And she saw a few shows where a character was sick or being chased by an animal or what not and she broke down crying

There was also lots of cuddling

And while I hate that she is sick, Im glad I got a day home with her.
She was pretty miserable from start to finish today. Seems like the same thing shes had in past with fever, lethargy, and muscle aches with no other symptoms and she will more than likely be home with daddy tomorrow.

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