Monday, May 7, 2012

What makes a weekend

Last year we spent my birthday riding bikes on the beach, building sandcastles, having an amazing dinner with my husband, and relaxing with the family watching the waves. We have been to Myrtle Beach every year on my birthday since Tom and I got together, except for the year I was pregnant with Ella and now this pregnancy. I figured I would spend the weekend bummed out since we couldnt take our yearly trip. Im surprised to say I really had a nice birthday weekend and appreciate all the people that made it so special.

Friday at work all the girls and my boss surprised me with a potluck lunch and a cake from my boss. They also got me the bee Pandora charm (since our theme here is bees) and Megan gave me a free family photoshoot as she does photography on the side. Each of the kids in the program also made me a birthday card.

Friday, Tom had picked Winston up from the groomers and also had dinner at home. Ella and him had bought Westie OPoly while at the groomers. Of course Ella wanted to play it immediately and we played it several times this weekend. Im shocked how well she does with the game and how patient she is.

Saturday morning my mom and Tom's mom came for my 4d ultrasound at Becoming Mom Spa. I will write a whole blog post with pics and hopefully the video later this week.

(love this pic. If you look up at the monitor you can see the image of the baby smiling along with ella smiling)

Then the grandma's, Ella, and I headed to buy buy baby where I purchased the Joovy Ultralight Caboose stroller. I think its going to come in super handy. It has a front universal snap in for any car seat and the back has a bench seat for ella to sit or a platform for her to stand.

Tom, Ella, and I then took all the grandma's out to Mimi's Cafe for Mother Day lunch.

That evening Tom had to pick a friend up from work and watched the Reds game with him. When I woke from a nap my mom had surprised me with a music box with flowers in it and a tiramisu cake.

(yes I know I need to change the picture :)

She also got me a new troll bead representing maternity for my birthday/Mother's Day

We headed to Bravo's for an outside dinner. It was super yummy and Ella was so well behaved.

We finished the evening with a walk to the lake and playing outside.

Yesterday was spent playing at the park, playing outside, a mom and me tea photoshoot with Ella (pics will be ready in about three weeks), and Tom took Ella and I for Indian.

I did some breech positioning exercises while Tom pulled Ella around in a laundry basket as the dog chased them biting the basket. Yes Ella wore a bike helmet and man do I love my crazy family

So we blow out the candles to one more year. Another year has passed that Im not quite sure where it went. My baby will be three in less than three months, Tom is finished with his first year of law school (minus summer semester), Ill become a mother for the second time. Its been another amazing year yet its flying by too quickly. I want to be able to take in every moment and seal it in my memory. And while I thought the Id end up bummed out that we weren't on our yearly trip, I learned in the long run that all that really matters is spending each and every day with the people who mean the most in your life. Its the little things they do that make it all worth it.

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