Saturday, May 19, 2012

Water Day!

Tom was working on washing the outside of the house today. With the HOT, beautiful weather, Ella and I decided to have a water day. We got everything together and headed outside by 10am.

Since her way too tiny pool had holes in it, we picked up a new pool this morning. We filled up the pool, put a ton of water toys in it, turned on Pandora radio, and she was ready to go

We even got out the water table

We spent until 115 outside and even ate some lunch at her picnic table

We headed in for her nap. Then made a trip to Whole Foods and came home and grilled. Of course she had to get back in the pool while Tom and I were outside grilling. Then after dinner inside she was back at in the pool til bath time. By the end of the day she said forget the suit and ended up in the pool naked.

She's such a little fish! Tomorrow morning Tom, Ella, and I are heading to Cincinnati Nature Center for more water play!

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