Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things recently enjoyed....

First I'll start with a three day weekend! Since I have gone back to work full time I have really really missed my three day weekends.

There was also a lot of grandma time this weekend which I know Ella really enjoyed (so did I)

Enjoying some Orange Leaf with Grandma

There was also lots and lots of pool time, outside time, and time in the sprinkler (with a lot of grilling out)
Ella could not have been more excited about her new goggles and kick board. She has taken to the water again this year like a little fish and acts like there never was a winter break. She has even been trying to swim with her eyes and mouth under the water.

She does pretty well with taking them off her eyes and putting them on her forehead

But she doesn't always get them up high enough.Ha

I love Ella's ability to focus and concentrate on an activity.

I've recently enjoyed a few new purchases.

Tom got me new 50mm 1.8f lens for my camera! It's taking some getting used to with the manual focus.

My new Ergo baby carrier came in the mail this weekend! I cant wait to use it. It actually goes up to 45 pounds so technically Ella has quite awhile in it if we would like. A girl from high school sent me her old newborn insert for it so Ill be able to use it as soon as the baby comes.

I decided to spruce up the bathroom the girls will share. I went with a much more girly theme. I love the shower curtain, towels, bath mat, etc that I found. Ella has told me how beautiful she thinks it is several times now

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