Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's that time of year again!

Saturday morning after breakfast, Tom, Ella, and I headed to Parky's Farm. They recently reopened for the season and of course we had to go!

We got there a little early and spent time at the playground

Of course we had to do the pony rides, Ella's favorite.

I truly love spending time with my daughter. She is one of, if not my most, favorite person to hang out with. Life feels so right and carefree when I am with her. I do outings with her not only because I want her to experience life and really live it and learn but also because I genuinely enjoy our time together and want to create memories.

Ha, chickens! I have become obsessed with chickens. On what is probably a daily basis I talk to Tom about  how I would love to have chickens for the purpose of our own eggs. Not only that but a goat and a garden. It's not possible in our current neighborhood, but maybe one day. He thinks I'm crazy

Ella loves gardening and anything to do with it so of course being able to water the plants at the farm was right up her alley.

She's on a mission

Last I want to say how happy I am that Tom was able to go with us. Last year a lot of our outings were on Mondays while he was at work.

This year we don't spend much time with him in general because of law school, on both weekdays and weekend ends. It's not without it's difficulty either. I'll be honest that it takes a toll on your relationship with each other as well as I've seen it have its effects on Ella. I'd like to be selfish and say that it definitely has brought her and I closer together but I also see how much she misses her daddy. None to his fault. He is wholeheartedly doing this for the better good of his family. And he works his ass off to do it.

And while we're super proud of his hard work, at the end of the day sometimes were just left with missing him. So we are always glad when he gets some time to come along. I couldn't ask for a better daddy for Ella and I love you for it!

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